The Finals player “hijacked” enemy team’s win screen

Declan Mclaughlin
A screenshot from the game The Finals

A The Finals player has figured out how to be featured in the game’s win screen, even if they don’t win the match.

The Finals usually showcases the winning team in a final shot in the last round of play. After playing through multiple rounds of play, and coming on top each time, players are rewarded with battle pass progression, a ranked boost, and a final shot of their in-game skins posing for the camera.

One player, however, has figured out how to be featured on the win screen without winning at all.

In a post on the game’s Reddit, they showcased how a team can infiltrate the final win screen and troll enemy teams.

The Finals win screen infiltration

In a post titled “So my friends and I hijacked the win screen,” Reddit user Careful-Yesterday269 showed a video of his team exploding on the win screen while the enemy walked into frame. The game then cuts to a shot showing the winning team facing the camera, featuring an enemy Heavy swinging a sledgehammer at them.

The player explained in the comments that they have done this a few different times, and all players need to do to replicate it is find where the win screen takes place on the map and camp out there.

“For [Monaco] it’s in front of the chapel in between the palm trees you just gotta be there when the win screen shows up,” the user said.

The player and his team set up shop at the win screen area with mines and explosives on the ground so that when the winning team walked across the vista, they would explode right in front of them.

While not a viable strategy to win a round, players can use this to troll the winning team when their loss is secured or just to get a good laugh after a hard-fought battle in the arena.