The Finals players beg devs to nerf ‘aimbot-level’ aim assist

John Esposito
The Finals players beg devs to nerf 'aimbot-level' aim assist

The Finals has been a pleasant surprise for FPS players, but an underlying issue seems to be a wild case of aim assist that may need tuning.

Embark Studios hit a crazy stride with its new FPS, The Finals. Player counts have been through the roof since the title shadow dropped at the beginning of December, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

That said, it hasn’t been all rainbows and sunshine, as there’s a bevy of issues plaguing the game show’s arrival. Some are balancing related, with players debating the Light class’ functionality, while others are critical, such as the influx of cheaters ruining the fun.

A new issue is on the rise and one that’s been a hot topic for many years in the FPS genre.

The Finals clip demonstrates strong aim assist

With features like cross-play becoming standard across gaming, aim assist has been a topic of discussion in the FPS genre. The Finals does have aim assist, but it’s been discovered that it may be stickier than intended.

In a clip shared to the game’s subreddit, GOTTA_BE_FR3SH demonstrated how strong the aim assist is in-game. In the practice range and with a PS4 controller, they hit the ADS trigger just for their weapon to wildly snap to the practice dummy.

With aim assist being such a disliked feature, this clip didn’t help its case. Many of the responses were upset, and it only gets worse when thinking of this reply: “I even have a Clip where AA tracks a cloaked light for me.” It’s also important to note this “aimbot” level of aim assist is possible on both console and on PC with a controller, to which the poster stated they’re using the latter setup.

It seems like the shotgun isn’t the only one capable of this either. Another comment shared how snappy the sniper is as well, reminding players of the good old days of 2009’s MW2:

“Bro the aim assist on sniper feels like straight up aimbot, reminds me of MW2 quickscoping.”

Time will tell how Embark handles the aim assist issue presented, but given the game’s in its infancy, one would have to imagine it’ll get tuned when the studio clarifies other issues.