The Finals players blast controversial Light weapon as worst gun in the game

Theo Burman
The Final concept art of character holding pistol against red background

The Finals players have identified which gun they think is the worst in the game, and it all comes down to how consistent it is.

The Finals meta has been fairly consistent since the game first launched. With the prominence of Recon Senses dictating how most teamfights pan out, players have grown used to seeing the “triple-Medium” measure, with the occasional Heavy thrown in there too.

It’s always been strange playing Light in The Finals. The low health and lack of setup doesn’t make the extra speed and mobility seem worth it, especially with so much of the game revolving around objective control where moving doesn’t matter as much.

And to cap it all off, the Light also has one of the worst guns in the game- the Sniper Rifle.

The Finals players blast Sniper Rifle for unreliability

The power fantasy is definitely there. You grapple up to a high point, and start taking shots at teams while staying out of range.

The problem is it will take a minimum of two hits to kill anyone, even if you land a headshot, meaning they’re always going to know if the next one is coming. The slow rate of fire means that you’re always losing the 1v1 against anyone with a different gun, making dueling even worse.

One player posted a clip that highlights this exact problem: They land a direct headshot, only to be killed while reloading for the second one. There are just too many situations where the sniper gets outclassed.

Despite this, some players maintain that the gun is balanced, saying that if it could one-shot with a crit, it would be way too powerful.

“If the sniper became a one-hit-kill weapon, then what happens?” asked one player. “Everyone would only play that weapon. Thats exactly the issue they have with Warzone right now. As of right now, snipers are big “poke” weapons.

“You are either chipping away at enemies to help your teammates have easier engagements or secure kills on low-health enemies exiting fights… at the cost of leaving your team in potentially a disadvantage in their team fights. They are balanced.”