The Finals players can’t decide between light, medium, or heavy metas

Shane Black
The Finals character in a panda mask being shot at

The Finals players have been debating what the meta of the game is, and they just can’t seem to pin it down.

Every competitive multiplayer game has a meta: the loadout, character, or weapon choices that give players the best shot of winning each match.

As games progress, these metas will change with balancing and adjustments being made by the developers.

But in the case of The Finals, the fanbase just can’t seem to figure out what the largely-accepted meta for the game actually is.

The Finals players can’t choose between light, medium, or heavy metas

Since The Finals was released during the Game Awards last month, players have been experimenting with the three character types they can play as to find which one is the best.

For a large chunk of the community, they believe that Heavy is the meta and gives the most power out of all characters.

However, there is a strong contingent of the playerbase that is pushing back on this to argue that Light and Medium are also just as viable.

In a post on the game’s subreddit, a user discussed their playing as both a Light and a Heavy fairly often.

They went into detail about how both these classes offer different, but important, capabilities in The Finals that don’t outweigh the other.

“Lights define what’s possible movement-wise on a map, heavies define how the map is structured,” they wrote.

The responses to this post are supportive as well, with many players expressing their gratitude for someone posting about it.

One response spoke to the refreshing feeling of seeing the post: “Gotta say, it’s refreshing seeing the community push back against all these class complaints.”

However, not everyone agreed, with one user saying, “…there’s so many idiots writing books these days.”

It’s safe to say that this discussion is far from over, and that as The Finals grows and adapts, there will be more meta debates going on everywhere.