The Finals players claim it feels “stale” and needs more game modes

Sourav Banik
A screenshot from the game The Finals

Some players in The Finals have claimed the game has started feeling “stale” and it needs more game modes to keep its player base.

After a stealth launch at The Game Awards 2023, The Finals quickly became popular among gamers, rocking a healthy playercount every day. Currently, the free-to-play title features three game modes, namely Quick Cash, Bank It, and Tournaments.

While there’s a lot of action to delve into, some players feel it’s becoming “stale” and more game modes would add some much-needed variety to the game. Some players also want Embark Studios to incorporate a fan-favorite CoD game mode.

Players feel The Finals need more game modes

Posting on Reddit, a player said some more game modes like “prophunt, tdm, king of the hill, domination” will help “keep the game alive for longer.” To this, players started agreeing immediately, and chipped in their thoughts as well, suggesting different game modes that Embark can bring to the game.

A player feels “more modes with a bigger team size would be amazing”. However, this would be enhanced if the variety of maps were increased, making it even more fun and interesting. One player felt the same way and said, “Yes but more importantly I think it needs more maps”.

On the other hand, one player explained why making maps would take longer for The Finals, “Yeah, I think the issue is finals maps are so big, detailed, and destructible that it probably takes a long time to design and play test new maps compared to other games. Especially when each map has unique mechanics like turrets, crane etc.”

Pertaining to the discussion, a player suggested how adding more destruction to The Finals would be ideal for a specific game mode, “A game mode where the entire point is to just destroy some big ass building with hammers as fast as possible.”

On a different Reddit thread, one player said “A capture the flag game mode will work great in the game!” Other players quickly started agreeing and started coming up with different names that would suit the tone of The Finals.