When is Dishonored 3 coming out? Leaks and everything we know

Theo Burman
Dishonored 2 Bloodflies image

With recent leaks from Microsoft revealing long-term plans for game releases, Dishonored 3 has been highlighted as a potential new release coming in the next few years. But what’s the history of the iconic stealth series, and how much do we know about what the next game might look like?

Dishonored has enjoyed a cult following since the release of the first game in 2012. The grim steampunk setting combined with a touch of supernatural powers and lore made for a brilliant stealth experience.

Arkane Studios crafted extremely detailed levels with multiple ways to play and an emphasis on verticality, leading many to crown Dishonored as one of the best immersive sim franchises you can get your hands on.

However, since the release of Death to the Outsider in 2017, the series has remained dormant, with developers Arkane instead focusing on different games. Since then, they’ve seen a lot of highs, but also some considerable lows. Deathloop, a 2021 time-loop action adventure, was a massive critical success and Game-of-the-year nominee.

However, this year’s Redfall, a vampire hunter multiplayer game, was a pretty big failure in a year oversaturated with huge releases. But, if these leaks are to be believed, it looks like Arkane is returning to what they do best, and will be working on a third Dishonored game.

When will Dishonored 3 release?

The leaks have Dishonored 3 penned for “FY24E”, which means Financial Year 2024. This means we could be seeing Dishonored 3 between April 2024 and March 2025.

This window would give Arkane plenty of time to recover from the disappointing release of Redfall and build up a new story in the Dishonored world.

Previously, Dishonored games were released to both console and PC at the same time, so it’s likely a similar model would be used for the next game in the series.

What will Dishonored 3 be about?

The endings of Dishonored 2 and Death to the Outsider left the story of the Kaldwin family and their associates pretty tightly wrapped up. While the games have always placed an emphasis on player choice and the ability to have “high chaos” bad endings, the canonical events of the story usually follow the “low chaos” non-lethal choices.

Regardless of which endings carry over to Dishonored 3, Arkane has previously said that the story of Emily Kaldwin and her father Corvo is over, with new characters more likely to take to the stage.

What’s more, after the events of DOTO, the pseudo-god of the Dishonored world is no longer around, meaning the plot mechanic that has given each protagonist mythical powers that the game is built around no longer exists.

However, Arkane built Dishonored 2 in such a way that a no-powers run was a very viable option, and there are always endless numbers of steampunk gadgets ready to use.

For more news and updates on everything included in the Microsoft leaks, check out our rundown of what was mentioned here.