Will Payday 3 have microtransactions?

Olly Smith
payday 3 microtransactions featured

As more and more live service games receive monetized content, Payday 3 players may want to know: will the game have microtransactions? Here’s what we know so far.

Microtransactions in Payday 2 were a controversial subject when first introduced. After previously confirming that such monetized content would not make it into the game, developer Starbreeze Studios seemed to go back on that statement by introducing them in a major update in 2015.

While this system was eventually phased out during later updates, thereby winning back the support of the players, there was still an aura of unease within the community. And now, with the release of its sequel, players are wondering if Payday 3 has, or will have, microtransactions.

Payday 3 heist gameplay
Payday 3 is a highly anticipated FPS game.

Will Payday 3 have microtransactions?

Starbreeze has confirmed that Payday 3 will have microtransactions where you pay real money in exchange for in-game items. They are not currently in the game but will be added in a future patch.

This was revealed in a blog post on the Steam forums for Payday 3, in which community manager Elisabeth Elvestad confirmed the presence of microtransactions and a premium currency in the game.

The post reads: “Yes, you can buy PAYDAY Credits separately, however these are only for purchasing additional cosmetic items. These will not affect the gameplay. The PAYDAY Credits will be added post launch.”

The extent of what cosmetic items this will include is currently unclear. Judging from what cosmetic items were available in Payday 2, this will most likely be masks, suits, weapon skins and gloves. New content such as heists and characters will likely be featured in free updates or full DLC releases.

In addition to microtransactions, Payday 3 will also feature DLC that includes new heists, tailor packs and weapon packs. So it’s currently unclear how Starbreeze will differentiate between premium content from microtransactions and content intended as part of DLC.

You can check out our Payday 3 page for all the latest news and updates.