FaZe Banks asks internet for help after friend’s daughter is diagnosed with Leukemia

Connor Bennett

FaZe Clan member Ricky Banks has called upon the internet for help after his god brother, and best friend’s, daughter was recently diagnosed with a form of Leukemia.

On February 4, Banks shared the heartbreaking news on Twitter with his fans, asking for help: “My best friend & god brother received life-shattering news last week. His 3-year-old daughter, Isabella has been diagnosed w/ Leukemia. So unfair. They’re prepared to fight for as long as they have to. He started a gofundme, here’s the link. Anything helps.”

The GoFundMe is looking to help Banks’ best friend’s daughter – Isabella – who was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L) a few days prior to his tweet.

GoFundMe: Isabella vs. Leukemia (A.L.L.)

The original post on the donation link tells the story of how the three-year-old started to feel ill, needing to stay home from school before having to go to see a pediatrician for some blood work. After undergoing tests, it was revealed to the family that they would need to take their daughter to a hospital for further evaluation. There, it was revealed to them that Isabella had A.L.L.

The GoFundMe, set up by a Carey Hamilton, has already reached over $13,500 – with over 200 people donating in the first two days, including a $1,000 donation from Banks himself. However, it is still less than halfway to the $30,000 goal – a goal that would help the family’s costs as Isabella will have to begin 25 months of chemotherapy treatment. 

If you have the ability to help and you can assist with Banks’ heartfelt appeal you can do so using the GoFundMe link.

The thoughts of everyone at Dexerto go out to Isabella and her family.