GTA 5 voice actor addresses avid fans demanding GTA 6 reveal: “Patience”

Brad Norton
GTA 5 Michael

Ned Luke, the actor behind GTA 5 protagonist Michael De Santa, has calmly advised avid Rockstar fans to be patient in waiting for GTA 6.

We’ve now passed the full decade mark since the last Grand Theft Auto game hit store shelves. GTA 5 released in 2013 and has gone on to become an unprecedented cultural phenomenon, generating billions in revenue on its way to becoming the second-best-selling game of all time.

Naturally, given its impact on the industry and on multiple generations of players, countless gamers have been anxiously awaiting its follow-up. We know for certain GTA 6 is in development, and last year’s historic leaks even showed us some early gameplay, but beyond that, official details have been scarce to say the least.

As a result, diehard fans have been scratching and clawing for any scraps of information they can get their hands on. In some extreme cases, they’ve even stormed the stage at major gaming events to get their point across.

In light of this unmitigated enthusiasm for the sequel, one of the faces of GTA 5 has now come forward and advised fans to express patience in waiting for GTA 6.

Celebrating GTA 5’s 10th anniversary with a brief video on TikTok, Ned Luke took a moment to address the gaming community and touch on the future of the franchise.

“We just crossed the threshold of 10 years. 10 years of GTA 5… I just want to give a big shout-out to the fans,” he said, before pivoting to address the elephant in the room.

“Only what, maybe five of those years was ‘where the f*** is GTA 6?’ Luke joked. “Patience guys. It’ll be worth the wait. Trust me. GTA 5 was worth the wait, GTA 6 is gonna be even more worth the wait.”

gta 6 loading screen
GTA 6 has been the most hotly anticipated title of the generation.

Coincidentally, he’s not the only GTA 5 protagonist that’s been linked with the sequel this week. Just a few days prior, Shawn Fonteno who voices Franklin in the game, was the focal point of a new conspiracy around GTA 6.

Appearing alongside Bryan Zampella an actor rumored to be in the upcoming sequel, the two tracked down a briefcase containing “the most powerful and dangerous thing” they’d ever encountered. Exactly what said thing was, no one knows, but many are speculating it’s GTA 6.

Of course, for now, everything is just conjecture. And as Luke advised, remaining patient is all we can do until Rockstar steps back into the spotlight when the time is right.