GTA 6 fans convinced Rockstar is “trolling” with another subtle hint

Connor Bennett
GTA online taxi surronded by zombies and monsters with GTA 6 logo

Some eagle-eyed Grand Theft Auto fans are convinced that Rockstar dropped another GTA 6 teaser in the new Halloween update. However, not everyone is sold on it.

Getting a reveal for Grand Theft Auto 6, never mind a release date, has been on the top of many gamers’ wishlists for well over five years now, and they’ve been in overdrive over the last few months. 

Given that some reliable insiders have said that a GTA 6 reveal will take place before the end of the year, the clock is ticking for that to be proven true. As of now, Rockstar Games have remained somewhat silent in regards to an announcement, only confirming that the videos of gameplay leaks from 2022 are, indeed, real

So, naturally, some have taken the tiniest things and ran with them – even if it is the most tenuous link to a tease that you’ve seen. 

GTA 6 fans claim Rockstar is hinting at it again with Halloween update

The new Halloween update for GTA Online has, if you believe some players, a number of hints about GTA 6. It first started when Rockstar revealed a new t-shirt in-game, as they’d cropped part of the Vinewood sign to only show the VI part.

Well, that’s happened again. On their updated GTA+ rewards page, there is an image to advertise free taxi rides and fast travel for GTA+ members. The Vinewood sign can be seen in the background once again, but this time you can only see the first five letters – spelling out VI new. Some players have taken that to be a message about GTA 6.

“The fact they can’t include the whole sign twice is well… interesting to say the least,” said one intrigued fan. “They’re just trolling us,” another said. “Definitely not a coincidence. They could have posted a photo from anywhere on the map, they’re hinting 100%,” added another. 

Other fans pointed out that it’s simply the Vinewood sign and that some are going too deep into things to try and get a GTA 6 tease. “That’s a stretch,” argued one. “They know what they’re doing,” another agreed. 

It does feel like a little bit of a reach to suggest it’s a tease and it is most likely someone being a bit mischievous at Rockstar.