GTA fans finally get a cold Sprunk at real-life Cluckin Bell

Michael Gwilliam
real life GTA 5 cluckin bell and sprunk

The Grand Theft Auto series is well-known for its gameplay, story and parodying real-life with its in-game brands. Now, fans have gotten a chance to experience GTA’s Cluckin Bell restaurant in real life and it’s very impressive.

It’s always a treat when fans get to visit a fantasy destination in person. In the past, we’ve seen fictional restaurants created in real life, but bringing a video game restaurant to the real world can be another challenge entirely.

Despite those problems, attendees at San Diego Comic-Con were able to chow down on some Cluckin Bell as part of an “art performance.”

Photos and videos of the restaurant have popped up on social media and they show just why this was such a cool experience for GTA fans. For some, you might even say it was the Summer update they were waiting for.

IRL GTA Cluckin Bell goes viral on TikTok

A TikTok by ‘gio_dude1998’ showing off the Cluckin Bell restaurant has gone viral on the platform with over 2 million views in two days.

In it, the TikToker and his cousin check out the restaurant and everything it has in store, such as a “do not serve” poster for GTA 5’s Trevor Phillips, some food off the menu, an employee in Cluckin Bell attire and even a ‘Sprunk’ drink.

In GTA, ‘Sprunk’ is a parody of Sprite and fans were actually able to order this bottled beverage for $5.

Other items on the menu include the “little pecker,” “chicken sink” and the “farmer’s surprise” keeping in the spirit of the game.

Unfortunately, the art performance only lasted until July 24, but hopefully those behind the viral restaurant decide to bring it back in the future, especially given the positive reception from GTA fans.