GTA Online player’s in-game robbery foiled by clever shop owner

Brianna Reeves
gta online robbery

A GTA Online player’s robbery of an in-game store was thwarted by a clever and resourceful shop owner.

Freedom of expression in Grand Theft Auto Online works such that players can pretty much embody any role they desire, including that of an armed robber.

Developer Rockstar Games has created entire expansions around high-profile heists and the like. But some fans prefer to keep things relatively simple by getting back to basics and taking on smaller storefronts.

One user learned the hard way, however, that the owners of such shops do not go down without a fight.

Store owner foils GTA Online player’s in-game robbery attempt

After entering a convenience store in GTA Online, Reddit user vipstrippers took money from the cash register, then proceeded to scope out the rest of the establishment for more goodies. Their search came to a swift end when the patiently waiting store owner caught them by surprise.

In a brief gameplay clip, the player is seen pushing through a swinging door that leads to a back room. They don’t even get one foot inside, though.

Instead, the shop owner stands on the other side of the door, with a shotgun in hand. The NPC wastes no time firing off a shot that instantly slays the culprit.

The original poster and several other Redditors have expressed how impressed they are by the NPC’s smart thinking. “After being robbed and killed by millions of other GTA online criminals, he finally figured it out,” one person wrote in response.

A few other GTA Online players joked the would-be robbery victim was an elite camper. Someone else offered the protip of “shooting the doors open first instead of going through them.”

It seems Grand Theft Auto Online users would be wise to exercise caution when engaging in criminal activities.