GTA Online player roasted after hitting “rock bottom” with cash

Brianna Reeves
gta online player roasted

A Grand Theft Auto player was roasted on Reddit for their behavior after hitting “rock bottom” in GTA Online.

It’s fairly easy to earn in-game cash in Grand Theft Auto Online. Of course, some players learned the hard way that losing it all is even easier.

Users hoping to get the most out of the experience can purchase everything from fancy cars and clothes to businesses and properties.

There are those who have far simpler tastes, but they, too, don’t come cheap. One GTA Online player demonstrated as much in a gameplay clip that’s resulted in a proper roasting on Reddit.

GTA Online player roasted for spending habits after going broke

“I’ve hit GTA rock bottom,” wrote Redditor CausticPenguino in a caption accompanied by a gameplay clip. The video shows the GTA Online user stopping their car in front of a prostitute.

Because they have no in-game money on hand, the game prompts them to visit the Microsoft Store. In so doing, the player purchases a $250,000 Shark Card for $5, which comes with an extra $37,500 since they’re a GTA+ member.

As soon as the roughly $280,000 hits their account, CausticPenguino proceeds to call for the prostitute again until the game issue a reminder stating they must first access cash via an ATM.

As one would expect, Reddit roasted the GTA Online player without mercy. “Man was down horrendous,” one user said in jest.

Another person commented on the Redditor’s choice of a station wagon-like vehicle: “The car says it all.”

Some couldn’t ignore a chance to poke fun at the GTA+ subscription, either. “Thought it couldn’t get any worse, and then I noticed the GTA+ Subscription. Rock bottom indeed!”

Spending real-world money for a digital quickie probably isn’t the best use of $5, but at least it seems someone’s having a good time with all GTA Online has on offer.