GTA Online players demand Cops & Robbers update

Brianna Reeves
gta online cops robbers

GTA Online players want more vehicles with police sirens, and such talk has reignited discussions about a hopeful Cops and Robbers update.

Presently, there only exists one police-branded vehicle that players can own in Grand Theft Auto Online – the Riot Control Vehicle (RCV).

This law enforcement truck costs a pretty in-game, but some may find the price worth it since the vehicle features operational emergency sirens.

Naturally, GTA Online users want to own and operate even more police cars. They know exactly how Rockstar Games should expand upon this particular option, too.

GTA Online fans still hold out hope for Cops and Robbers update

Reddit user MrDrSirLord recently shared a screenshot of a Park Ranger vehicle parked outside their home in GTA Online. Notably, an in-game message says the player can’t park the SUV in their garage.

This instance inspired the Redditor to create the post in question, wherein they call for Rockstar to let players “own something with sirens on it other than the RCV.”

The popular online title is also past due for a Cops and Robbers update, the original poster added.

Requests for a Cops and Robbers update are almost as old as GTA Online itself. According to a report from several months ago, Rockstar once planned on releasing this type of content.

Apparently, the studio canceled a Cops ‘n’ Crooks update due to police brutality protests sparked by the death of George Floyd in the summer of 2020.

A Bloomberg report alleges the Cops ‘n’ Crooks mode would’ve taken inspiration from the children’s game, splitting up teams into good guys and bad guys.

Higher-ups sidelined the idea amid concerns about how the public would perceive the narrative following the 2020 protests.

Should this prove true, it’s unlikely that such a mode will ever see the light of day in GTA Online as it currently stands.