GTA Online player sparks debate for doing Heists alone on two computers

Brianna Reeves
gta online solo heists

A GTA Online player who does Heists alone on two computers sparked debate about the need for solo Heist missions.

The ability to go it alone in Grand Theft Auto Online’s Heist-centric content is a rarity. As it stands, the Cayo Perico Heist serves as the only reliable option for players who don’t have teammates or hate depending on random strangers.

Completing the various tasks solo isn’t exactly a walk in the park, though. With that in mind, players can’t help but wonder why GTA Online lacks single-player-friendly options.

Interestingly, a recent post making waves on GTA Online’s subreddit has reignited this very discussion.

GTA Online players want more options for solo Heists

In a Reddit post, DaFatAlien revealed how they complete Heist missions in GTA Online without having friends who still play the game. Simply put, the user plays alone by signing in to two separate accounts on two different computers.

Their completion of an Elite Challenge resulted in a nice payout, too, with one account racking up $2.3 million while another secured more than $450,000 of in-game cash.

In addition to praising the player’s efforts, many replies to the thread lamented that more of GTA Online’s Heists and missions don’t allow for solo play.

One person wondered why Rockstar Games hasn’t implemented a companion AI system for players who want to complete Heists on their own. “…Gustavo Mota from single-player for sure has better skills than randoms in GTAO,” the commenter said.

Someone else expressed an interest in seeing developers retroactively add a “Solo Option” for older Heists.

Players in the thread also think solo modes would work wonders for learning the ins and outs of Heists before going in “blind with strangers.”

GTA Online in its current form may not receive such an update, but, hopefully, the crew at Rockstar is taking notes for whatever online suite launches with GTA 6.