Adin Ross apologizes to Andrew Tate after Kick clip gets ‘Top G’ arrested

Jeremy Gan
Andrew Tate and Adin Ross side-by-side looking at cameras

Adin Ross has apologized to Andrew Tate after causing an acceleration in his arrest in Romania after revealing his plans to leave the country. 

On December 2022, Romanian authorities arrested Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan on suspicions of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang. However, several months later on March 2023, they were released from custody. 

The Tate brothers were placed under house arrest for four months, and eventually released from house arrest, but were ordered to not leave Romania. However, on March 11, 2024, the Tate brothers were once again arrested by Romanian authorities, with plans to extradite them to the UK. 

It would eventually be revealed that the brothers’ plan to leave Romania was revealed through a clip from Kick streamer Adin Ross’ livestream, for which he has apologized to the brothers. 

Andrew Tate posing

Adin Ross apologizes after Kick stream causes Andrew Tate’s arrest

“Andrew Tate’s team confirmed that I f**ked up, and Tate told me,” Adin said in a Kick livestream. “I f**ked up, and thank god he did not get put back in there, ’cause I would’ve felt really guilty.” 

Adin said he spoke to Andrew Tate after his arrest, telling his viewers, “Tate had spoke to me and he said, ‘Dude, just come to Romania. I want to give my people, your people, what they want to see. Let’s do some content, you’re okay, I forgive you.’” 

Andrew and Tristan Tate appeared at the Bucharest Court of Appeal, where it was ruled both would be extradited to the UK after legal proceedings in Romania. However, a date for the trial hasn’t been decided yet. 

Law firm McCue Jury & Partners were the ones that alerted the UK authorities to the Tate brother’s intentions to leave and confirmed in an interview with Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet that one of their sources was a clip from Adin Ross’ stream.