100 Thieves’ Yassuo ruins keyboard after raging at LoL teammate

Connor Bennett

Popular League of Legends streamer Moe ‘Yassuo’ left fans wondering if he was going to need a few new pieces of his set-up after raging at a teammate and destroying his keyboard in the process.

When it comes to League of Legends streams, the majority of viewers tune in to watch the high-level action of leagues like the LCS, LEC, and LCK more than they do individual streamers.

Some streamers though, like 100 Thieves’ Yassuo, have carved out a fanbase for themselves by showing off their LoL talent and being highly entertaining in the process. However, it wasn’t the entertainment that caught the viewer’s eyes on November 24, but instead, the bottled-up rage he unleashed on one teammate and his own keyboard.

Riot Games
Yassuo is one of Twitch’s most popular LoL streamers.

During his broadcast, the popular streamer had been waiting to respawn, so he opted to survey Summoner’s Rift and get a feeling for where he may be needed once getting back into the game.

However, as he cast his eye to mid, Yassuo noticed that one teammate had missed and pushed up. “No, don’t shove,” he yelled, before slamming out his keyboard and sending incoherent messages into game chat. 

He repeated that for a few more seconds, before slamming the keyboard down on his desk – prompting the camera to shake while also cutting off the feed of the game. “My whole keyboard’s broken, I can’t click a button,” he said a few moments later.

Thankfully, for the streamer, he didn’t have to run away to find a spare keyboard or order a new one, as he’d only sent the keycaps flying – putting the letters out of order. 

He took a few moments to get a handful back in order before pushing back into his lane while teammates, and even enemies, asked if he was fine after what had unfolded. Maybe it’ll be a warning for next time – taking frustrations out on key parts of the set-up won’t always end without major damages. 

About The Author

Based out of Liverpool, Connor is Dexerto's UK News Editor having joined the website in 2018 with a degree in International Journalism. You can find him covering everything from CoD, GTA, FIFA, Apex Legends, and influencer boxing. Need to get in touch? Email Connor at Connor.Bennett@Dexerto.com