League of Legends dev brutally roasts player complaining about balance

Carver Fisher
True Damage Ekko Mythic Variant Splash Art

Complaining about the balance of League of Legends is something players often do, but lead gameplay designer Phroxzon hit back at a player complaining about Ekko by roasting his League skills.

With League of Legends having been on a bi-weekly patch schedule for years, the game has received literal hundreds of patches over the years that constantly change the game and keep things fresh.

However, the near-infinite possibilities in League of Legends come at the expense of a game that’s incredibly difficult to balance. Keep League fun and generally well balanced is a challenge.

That said, not everyone agrees with the way the game is balanced, often leading to the devs catching some heat on social media. But, when someone complained about Ekko, lead gameplay designer Phroxzon sent some heat his way.

League dev cooks player complaining about Ekko

Seeing as League’s development team spends a great deal of time working around and interacting with the game, it’s no surprise that many of the lead devs are incredibly good at the game.

For instance, Riot August, LoL’s lead designer, is in Masters. Phlox, another designer, is also in Masters. Even with the responsibilities they have working day-to-day, many League devs are very good at the game and have the stripes to prove it.

As such, devs are no stranger to hitting back at players who complain about game balance and pointing out a skill issue.

Phroxzon brutally roasted Molecule, a player who’s been in and around the esports scene for years, for complaining about “the most telegraphed ability on the planet”.

All things considered, this wound up being a fairly wholesome reaction on all sides. Considering that interactions between Riot staff and players has ended in devs getting doxxed over minor disputes, having a dev like Phroxzon bringing some heat and fitting right in with the community is refreshing.

The community and even Molecule himself agreed with Phroxzon and had a good laugh over it. We can only hope all interactions with devs are this civil going forward.

Not to mention, the devs will have their work cut out for them balancing all the new League of Legends items when they finally release ahead of Season 2024.