Medic: G2 signing Rekkles will revolutionize LoL esports

Lauren Bergin
LoL Medic Interview Feature

2020’s League of Legends Off-Season has seen some crazy changes. With Fnatic titan Martin ‘Rekkles’ Larsson jumping ship to G2 Esports’ behemoth, Dexerto caught up with LEC caster and analyst Aaron ‘Medic’ Chamberlain to discuss the impact of the move.

2020 has been a wild ride, but no esport has seen the same amount of crazy upsets as League of Legends. Worlds honor was restored to the LCK after DAMWON emerged victorious, which was almost immediately followed by a whole collection of roster changes.

After a disappointing Worlds run, fans and critics alike were left wondering whether or not the G2 flame was finally dying out. But with former Fnatic ADC Rekkles announcing a switch to rival G2, plenty of skeptic were silenced. This G2 squad are being heralded by many fans as the G2 of old: the European superteam who are here to snatch the Summoner’s Cup. But what does this all mean? Medic has the answers!

Rekkles officially joined G2 Esports earlier this month.
G2 Rekkles: The move that LoL fans all over the world are talking about.

Medic: “I think it’s probably the first time we’ve seen the best player in every role on a team in quite a few years…”

Q: In your personal opinion, just how game-changing is the Rekkles move?

“Game-changing is one way to put it, I guess. I think it’s probably the first time we’ve seen the best player in every role on a team in quite a few years — although you could argue that Hylissang and Selfmade are challenging for those top spots. It definitely puts the weight of expectation on G2, anything other than titles is an abject failure.”

Q: Although Rekkles may solve some of G2’s issues in the bot lane, will this move really take G2 back to the World Finals? 

“It should. And if it doesn’t, you have to wonder where it all went wrong. G2’s bottom lane has not been weak in recent years, but has definitely been their weakest point.

“Bringing in the best Bot Laner in the league, and arguably one of the best in the World, has to put them in the conversation for a Worlds final spot.”

Q: With Rekkles gone, Fnatic’s future is uncertain. Do you think G2 are going to be EU’s only chance at the Summoner’s Cup, or will Fnatic still remain a top tier squad?
“Looking back at how the loss of Caps affected Fnatic is interesting. Although they struggled at points, as a whole, the team became much stronger and still were able to challenge G2 domestically and challenge international competition at Worlds. This year they’re bringing in more experienced replacements, and so I don’t think they will have the same lag period as they did when they lost Caps.”
League of Legends LEC Caster Medic
Medic has become one of the LEC’s fan favorites. When he speaks, people listen.
Q: With players like Perkz and SwordArt joining the LCS, will NA become stronger than EU?
“I hope the LCS continues to improve, and develops with the talent they are importing and bringing through domestically. Historically, imports have not raised the caliber of the LCS to a level where they consistently challenge the LEC, but I do think the new batch of players in the league will raise the overall level of competition.”
Q: Both Fnatic and G2 fell to Eastern teams this year, does an LEC superteam really have what it takes to topple the East again?
“‘The East’ is quite a board catchall. The LPL is continuing to develop talent at an incredible rate, and seeing new teams and new players challenge and become the best in the World is a sight to behold.

“The LCK still seems to struggle a little with playing to a more regimented style, and Damwon were the only team to really impress me at Worlds. With Nuguri now leaving them and going to FunPlus PhoeniX, I think the real challenge is going to be matching up to the LPL.”

Q: If you could give EU fans one message going into next year about the LEC’s competitive level, what would it be?
“Honestly, I’m not sure. My hope is that our teams are able to rise to the level that G2 are very probably going to put out, and historically having a great team only fosters teams below them to improve. One can dream.”

It’s pretty clear that the Rekkles move has the potential to propel the LEC back to the World Championship finals. 2021 promises to be an amazing year for LoL esports, and who knows? Maybe fans will finally get those coveted G2 Worlds skins after all!