Tarzaned slams Twitch for radio silence after lengthy ban

Andrew Amos
Twitter: Tarzaned / Twitch

League of Legends star Julian ‘Tarzaned’ Farokhian has criticized Twitch’s appeal system and his own partner manager, as his attempts to get his 30-day suspension reversed have fallen on deaf ears.

After taking out the Twitch Rivals League of Legends Showdown with Shadow Dogs Unleashed, Tarzaned has been fighting his own battles with the livestreaming platform. The popular streamer was suspended for 30 days on Twitch for “harassing another League of Legends player,” coming as a shock to him and his fanbase.

He was reduced to tears after the suspension, saying that he’d clean up his “loser act” on the platform. However, he has slammed Twitch and his doubtors over his ban, saying that his attempts to get clarification or an appeal have not been heard.

The banned jungler shared screenshots of a conversation between him and his Twitch partner manager on December 3, highlighting how he is yet to receive a reply from the platform.

“I was promised a response after thanksgiving weekend and my partner guy is refusing to respond,” he said.

His Twitch partner manager, who is unidentified, let Tarzaned know of his ban on November 26, saying that the streamer “went ham on [Tychee].” 


Tarzaned criticized the timing of the ban one hour before a major game, but his manager stated that they were unaware and they “didn’t know [he] had [Twitch Rivals].”

The streamer has then sent his manager messages daily, but has not received a reply from his manager. He has also yet to receive a human reply from Twitch regarding his ban appeal, only getting an automated response on December 2.

“Waited several days for an automated response I guess,” he said. “First offense in four years of streaming and they won’t give me an actual answer.”

The streamer also believes he has said “way worse things… and it has never been brought up to [him],” with the ban over harassment catching him off guard.

Tarzaned made headlines during the Twitch Rivals League of Legends Showdown after he was notified of his suspension from the platform one hour before the grand final. His team Shadow Dogs Unleashed, led by Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp, managed to win the tournament, with the jungler putting on an MVP performance.

 Tarzaned’s ban will be lifted by December 26 unless Twitch accepts the appeal.

About The Author

Hailing from Perth, Andrew was formerly Dexerto's Australian Managing Editor. They love telling stories across all games and esports, but they have a soft spot for League of Legends and Rainbow Six. Oh, and they're also fascinated by the rise of VTubers.