Teamfight Tactics Set 8 Ranked Rewards: Full list & how to get them

Liam Ho
Star Guardian Lux Skin Splash Art

With the arrival of Set 8.5, Teamfight Tactics: Monsters Attack’s ranked season has come to a close, here’s a full list of the rewards and how to get them.

Teamfight Tactics has recently said goodbye to Set 8, issuing its new mid-set update with Set 8.5: Glitched Out. As such Riot will be looking to hand out rewards to those who were grinding out ranked throughout the previous set.

Are you excited to see what goodies you’ll be getting? We’ve got a full list of all the ranked rewards from Set 8: Teamfight Tactics.


TFT Set 8 Ranked Rewards: when will they be released?

As Set 8 has only just come to a close, it appears that Riot is still in the midst of releasing the rewards. Riot Games has announced in their TFT Patch 13.6 notes that the ranked rewards will be distributed throughout the patch, however, it may take a couple of days before they get to you.

As such, expect to receive your ranked rewards sometime between now and April 5, 2023. If you don’t receive your rewards by that time, contacting Riot may be your best bet in that case.

TFT Set 8 Ranked Rewards Requirements

In order for players to be eligible to earn ranked rewards in Teamfight Tactics: Monsters Attack! They must have reached at least Gold or higher in Standard/ Double Up formats.

Alternatively, players will need to of reached Green, Blue, Purple, or Hyper tier to receive the rewards in the Hyper Roll game mode.

TFT Set 8 Full Ranked Rewards List

Teamfight Tactic’s most standard format of play will be receiving a special Star Guardian Lux Chibi emote, that will reflect the rank you achieve during the earlier Set.

Teamfight Tactics Star Guardian Lux Chibi Ranked Reward Emote
Grandmasters in Standard TFT can expect this emote.

Double Up players will also receive an emote for their victories in ranked, they’ll be gaining an emote that they can show off how in sync they are with their double-up partner.

Teamfight Tactics Challenger Double Up TFT Emote
Challengers in the Double Up Gamemode will receive this emote.

Finally, Hyper Roll players will be given a heroic Sprite emote to represent their quick thinking and speedy reroll skills.

Teamfight Tactics Hyper Roll Greent Tier Ranked Reward Emote
Green Tier players in Hyper Roll can look forward to this emote.

TFT Set 8 Ranked Rewards: Victorious/ Triumphant Little Legends

Riot will also be rewarding players with a Victorious or Triumphant Little Legend skin at the end of this Teamfight Tactics: Monsters Attack! The Little Legend who will be receiving the skin is yet to be known, however, we do know the requirements for how to gain one of these rare creature skins.

TFT Set 8: Victorious/ Triumphant Little Legend Requirements

In order to receive a Victorious Little Legend skin at the end of TFT: Monsters Attack! players will need to have hit at least Gold in either half of Set 8. This means players who hit Gold in the first half of Set 8 will receive a Victorious Little Legend.

The Triumphant Little Legend skin requires players to hit the rank of Gold or above in both halves of Set 8. Meaning that anyone looking to gain the skin will need to have hit Gold in the first half, and then reach Gold in Set 8.5 to fulfill this requirement.