Best Trident enchantments in Minecraft: Loyalty, Riptide, Mending, & more

Raissa Jerez
cover art for minecraft featuring a trident.

Combat plays a crucial role in Minecraft, and while the Trident is a weapon often overlooked due to its inability to be crafted, it can be a powerful asset if found during your adventure. If you come across one, we’ve compiled the best enchantments to enhance its strength.

In Minecraft, the Trident is a rare item that can only be obtained by defeating drowned zombies in the ocean. However, even though it can be quite difficult to find, it’s totally worth the effort because of the enchantments.

This is one of the few melee weapons with a pretty good range, so if you’re looking for a versatile and mighty weapon of this kind, this one should be at the top of your list.

Best Trident enchantments in Minecraft

5. Impaling

This enchantment increases the damage output against aquatic mobs such as fish, turtles, squids, and more. There are five levels available, each adding 2.5 extra damage to the already strong weapon.

Trident Enchantments Minecraft

Depending on the game’s edition, Impaling can also work against enemies that happen to be in contact with water, meaning that during rainy days, the Trident can become the ultimate weapon in the game.

4. Channeling

Channeling is a powerful enchantment that allows the player to summon lightning bolts. It deals massive damage, starts fires, and even triggers an additional effect that changes some of the enemies’ forms when hit by it.

When struck, some mobs can change forms:

  • Villagers change into Witches.
  • Pigs turn into zombie Piglin.
  • Creepers turn into Charged Creepers.
  • Cow mooshroom changes its colors.

However, keep in mind that this enchantment only works during thunderstorms, so be wary.

3. Mending

The repairing enchantment offers the player a great way to use their stored XP – obtained from killing mobs, mining ores, smelting items or fishing – to fix the Trident. This ensures your weapon remains in good shape without going through much trouble.

With Mending you can also bypass the anvil’s level limit, so you can repair or enchant items that otherwise would be extremely expensive.

2. Riptide

The Riptide enchantment propels the player into the air, which serves as a way of transportation, an escape from enemies, a way to explore oceans, or even as an aerial attack.

Trident Enchantments Minecraft

If you use Riptide with an Elytra, you can launch yourself in the air and fly away. Just remember to equip the feather-falling boots so you don’t die when you come back down.

In order to use this enchantment, the player must be wet by rain or by going underwater.

1. Loyalty

Loyalty is the most helpful enchantment for players who want to use the Trident as a ranged weapon (boomerang style), because it guarantees the weapon will return after being thrown at enemies. The higher the Loyalty level, the faster it will come back.

Because of how hard it is to find a Trident in Minecraft, be sure to use this enchantment as often as possible.

Those are the top 5 Trident enchantments you should use to make it the ultimate weapon in the game. For more Minecraft content, check our guides below:

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