“Bored” NBA 2K24 players host car show in The City

Shane Black
NBA 2K24 The City

A group of NBA 2K24 players have grown so bored with the game that they’ve resorted to hosting a car show in The City.

The NBA 2K series has certainly been under intense scrutiny over the past several years, as fans feel the game is getting more repetitive and redundant every year.

This has led to some players looking for some more different forms of entertainment while playing it.

Such is the case with a group of players who chose to host a car show of sorts in The City area of the game.

NBA 2K24 are so bored, they’re hosting car shows in The City

The show was originally shared on X before it was posted to the NBA 2K subreddit, with a pretty critical title of: “People are really bored of 2k24 huh?”

The image of the X post shows a large group of players having congregated in The City outside of The Rec, showing off their suped-up vehicles.

The community has taken this post as an opportunity to rail on the game and the existence of The City in general.

As one user says in their response: “Well, when you can buy your level and use a zen for everything else it’s get less fun for people who like to compete.”

The City has been a point of contention in the community, as many players wish the game would just let them go straight into a game without having to deal with walking from spot to spot.

“The city needs to go; it’s in the way of the actual basketball game it’s supposed to be.”

Most fans believe The City is only a part of the game so that the devs can fill it with advertisements, and thus make more money:

“City makes the game perform far worse but they don’t care. Advertisements are all that matters to them.”

The 2K community has always had a rough relationship with the team behind the games, and NBA 2K24 is no different.

The series is a huge money maker for 2K Games, and for better or worse, they’ve found the kind of formula that has players coming back every year.