Blizzard Reveals First Weapon in Upcoming Overwatch Nerf Line

Joe O'Brien

Blizzard has revealed the first weapon in its upcoming Overwatch Nerf line-up.

The official Overwatch Twitter account showed off a Nerf Rival replica of Reaper’s Hellfire Shotguns.

Blizzard announced a partnership with Nerf producers Hasbro in May of 2018 to create a range of Overwatch replica Nerf guns. This is the first look at a product coming out of that partnership, although the line isn’t set to release until 2019.

The Overwatch line is part of Nerf’s Rival series, which fire small foam spheres rather than the traditional Nerf darts. The Rival collection is Nerf’s more “serious” offering, designed for greater power and precision.

The Hellfire Shotgun replica can apparently fire projectiles at velocity of up to 90 feet per second, but no further details have been released.

Likewise, there are as yet no details regarding what other weapons will be included in the Overwatch Nerf line-up, or even how many will feature. It’s not hard to imagine that the likes of Tracer’s Pulse Pistols or D.Va’s Bunny Blaster will be prime candidates, however.

While the Nerf replicas are set for release in 2019, an exact date is also unconfirmed at this time.

About The Author

Joe O'Brien was a veteran esports and gaming journalist, with a passion and knowledge for almost every esport, ranging from Call of Duty, to League of Legends, to Overwatch. He joined Dexerto in 2015, as the company's first employee, and helped shape the coverage for years to come.