Dizzying Overwatch 2 bug is giving some players motion sickness

Liam Ho
Wrecking Ball but he's super Big

A new Overwatch 2 patch has brought in a bug that is giving some players motion sickness whilst trying to enjoy the game.

Overwatch 2’s mid-season patch for Season 4 is finally here. The new update for Blizzard’s popular hero shooter sees a new event enter the fray, as well as a bunch of balance adjustments for the hero roster. With all the new content and changes in the game, it’s a decent time to hop back in and re-join the fight.

Unfortunately for Blizzard, it appears that a fair few bugs have also snuck their way onto the battlefield, causing quite a headache for some players.

The newest bug to be discovered is causing players’ screens to shake violently when they hit targets with their projectiles.

As reported by Overwatch 2 streamer mL7, the new patch has brought in a frustrating issue that can cause players’ screens to shake. This occurs when a player hits a projectile on a target, be it an ally or enemy. mL7 used Kiriko’s Healing Ofuda, Lifeweaver’s Thorn Volley, and Tracer’s Pulse Pistols to demonstrate the severity of this new bug.

Many players have commented on the tweet, expressing their annoyance that this bug could cause them. One player, in particular, pointed out that this bug could easily flair up a player’s motion sickness, essentially disabling them from being able to play the game.

According to Dexerto’s testing, the screen shakes can occur on almost every hero in the game when they eliminate someone. However, certain weapons such as Mercy’s Healing Beam, Zarya’s Particle Cannon Beam, and Symmetra’s Photon Projector Beam are seemingly unaffected by this issue.

Alongside this, both Brigitte and Reinhardt’s primary attacks seem to work whilst impacting enemies, implying that this issue occurs due to hero projectiles.

The one exception to this rule is Winston, who unfortunately has also succumbed to this screen-shaking bug, with each tick of his Tesla Cannon being affected.

With the player base up in arms, it shouldn’t be long until Blizzard fixes this issue. Until that time, it appears players will just have to get used to the screen shaking until it’s resolved.