Incredible easter egg found on Overwatch Chateau Guillard map

Bill Cooney

Sharp-eyed Overwatch players have discovered a crazy detail on Chateau Guillard that actually allows you to ring the bell across the lake.

Plenty of Overwatch maps come with interactive, hidden details for players to find, like the pianos on Paris that are 100% playable.

Now, it’s been found that you can actually ring the bell across the lake on Chateau Guillard that seems to be just background scenery at first glance.

Widowmaker’s home base hides some neat secrets.

A user by the name of DeSensedTTV is who we have to thank for bringing this easter egg to our attention, and how they actually managed to find it is unknown.

But find it they did, by using McCree to simply shoot at the bell, which caused it to chime – just like the ones located in Dorado’s first attacking spawn.

McCree can obviously hit the shot easily. So can a scoped-in Widowmaker, and Ashe would also be able to make the shot. It could be possible with other heroes, too, but you might not want to spend too much time experimenting in an actual game.”

After DeSensed rings the bell a few times, an enemy Pharah, perhaps sensing the chance for some easy environmental kills, swooped in and easily took them out.

This easter egg doesn’t change the game at all, and it won’t help you pull off a crazy deathmatch win like the Reaper teleporter trick will, but it could be a great way to confuse your friends or opponents during a match.

As we mentioned before, certain heroes (looking at you, Reinhardt) have no chance to hit the bell, so it’s not even worth trying with someone like Roadhog or Brigitte.

Not even Brigitte’s rocket flail would have to range to hit the bell.

Along with this newly-discovered Easter Egg we also got a new Overwatch patch on May 12 that introduces significant support hero changes, so it might be worth looking to see what’s changed for healers – after you shoot the bell a few times, of course.