L.A. Gladiators pro Surefour spots xQc during an Overwatch match

Bill Cooney

After Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel got suspended from Overwatch in late November, he switched to playing a variety of games on his channel, now, it looks like xQc is back playing Overwatch, even if he isn’t streaming the game as often.

xQc was suspended from Overwatch in November, and said at the time he was “done with the game” and insisted he wouldn’t be streaming it any longer.

Since then, xQc has been very vague about his plans to return to Overwatch, even going so far as to make an alternate Twitch account to stream the rare Overwatch match, but now it looks like xQc is officially back.

During a match streamed by Los Angeles Gladiator’s pro Lane ‘Surefour’ Roberts, xQc is back playing Winston and yelling on the mic, just like old times.

Battling on Horizon Lunar Colony’s second point, xQc manages to get a six-person kill as Winston, and promptly screams the number into the microphone.

Surefour simply asks “Oh my god, who is this fucking legend?” before trying to shot call in between xQc screams.

While he is back playing Overwatch, xQc seems to have stayed away from streaming the game on his main Twitch channel, for now at least.

Once it does happen, there will be a large number of people happy to see him back streaming Overwatch, and probably just as many who aren’t.