Overwatch 2 devs permanently disable 2023 Anniversary Credit rewards

Jeremy Gan
Overwatch 2 Starwatch gameplay

Overwatch 2 devs have permanently disabled Credit rewards from the 2023 Anniversary event after major issues impacted challenges. 

As the Anniversary Event for 2023 winds down with its final weeks, the devs made the decision to temporarily disable Credit rewards that players can gain from completing challenges. 

There were inconsistencies regarding the amount of Credits that players received, which caused the devs to disable the rewards until further notice. 

But, just a few days after this temporary patch-up, Executive Producer of Overwatch 2, Jared Neuss, announced devs would be permanently disabling the rewards for the rest of the event. 

“We’re going to keep Credits payout disabled for the Anniversary Challenges until the end of the event,” Neuss announced in a Twitter post. 

Further stating that they will be giving players extra Credits to make up for the disabled rewards, “To make up for this, we’re granting all players 3,000 Credits when they log into Overwatch 2 during the first week of Season 7, starting October 10.”

Other than Credit rewards being disabled, Neuss said the event will go along as planned, which means all returning game modes and other rewards such as double XP, skins, other cosmetics, and the anniversary store are still in the game. 

The Credits rewards bug was two-fold. For some players, they didn’t receive the Credits they earned from the challenges, whereas others found themselves rewarded with more Credits than they should have received. 

Blizzard was notified of the issue right at the start of the event. However, Neuss made no mention if they will be retroactively taking away the extra credits players received due to the bug.

The 2023 Anniversary event is due to end on October 3, and the Anniversary store on October 16, just before Season 7’s release.