Overwatch 2 devs reveal abysmal success rates of Legendary Story Missions

Jeremy Gan
overwatch 2 pve

Overwatch 2’s devs have revealed the seemingly abysmal success rates of the Legendary Story Missions with very few squads actually completing the first batch. 

With the release of Overwatch 2: Invasion came the long-awaited PvE missions. And as players dip their toes into this initial set of Story Missions, many have noticed a roadblock set in place by devs. The hardest difficulty, Legendary, is well, legendarily hard. 

So tough that it has taken players and streamers multiple days of grinding the Story Missions on Legendary to complete a single one. With players creating strategies and using actual call-outs for the challenging encounters.

And now, a week removed from its release, Overwatch 2’s devs have given us the win rates of the missions, and the completion rate is shockingly low. 

In a blog post by the director of Overwatch 2, Aaron Keller, he discussed the team’s plans and reactions to the reception to Invasion. And with it, he revealed the early stats for the Story Missions. 

Overwatch 2 devs reveal shocking success rate for Legendary Story Missions

“Only 1.6% of attempts successfully completed Gothenburg on Legendary,” wrote Keller, revealing the low number. 

He further added, “and 0.7% of attempts on Toronto were successful.” However, Keller made no mention what the success rate of the first mission, Rio De Janeiro, is. But it is most likely higher as it is an easier mission in comparison.

“One of the things that I loved seeing was the Legendary runs that people were streaming online,” Keller said of his reaction to players’ attempts at the Story Missions on Legendary,

“These missions on Legendary are hard. Super hard. Most people can’t complete them at this difficulty, and those that did had to devise custom strategies and team comps to get past the hardest encounters.”

And this was on full display when Overwatch streamers Flats, Emongg, Seagull, and KarQ attempted to beat all the missions on Legendary, taking them several days for even some of the most experienced players to complete their runs. 

The group experimented with hero compositions, ult combos, and more, just to beat the missions. So if you are planning on completing all the PvE missions on Legendary, do prepare.