Overwatch 2 devs rework Route 66 with key changes in Season 7 update

Jeremy Gan
Overwatch 2 Route 66 rework

Overwatch 2 devs have announced a rework of Route 66 in Season 7 with new environmental changes to help attackers push choke points. 

Route 66 is one of Overwatch’s oldest maps, as one of the original escort battlefields to be released back in 2016. However, throughout the years, the map hasn’t exactly received all too much refinement. At least that was the case until Season 7

As announced in the Overwatch 2 Season 7 blog post, the map is finally getting some adjustments. Namely in its environments to provide better coverage for attackers to push choke points and the third checkpoint is getting some changes to remove cargo from the area. 

“Route 66, one of the original Escort maps for Overwatch, is getting some adjustments that should give better protection for attackers to exit their initial spawn,” devs announced in the latest blog post. 

Overwatch 2 Route 66
Route 66’s third point is getting some changes to help defenders.

A major change is to the doors after capturing the first point. After attackers capture the first objective, the main doors will be partly open to allow attackers more options to fight through the difficult choke points in the second phase of the map. 

“As you push the Payload past the first checkpoint, the doors will now malfunction and only close part way giving attackers more options to work through the difficult choke points,” writes the blog post. 

Another change is to the third point. Several boxes and pieces of cargo have been removed to make it easier for defenders to stop attackers from capturing the final point, giving them more options as to how to approach it. 

“Defenders will have more options to stop attacking teams from capping the final checkpoint as some of the cargo is now removed in the Deadlock Gang’s lair [third point],” writes the blog post.

And there are other small changes too. The lighting has been tweaked from the harsh midday sun to overcast, and the diner, which is the first spawn point for attackers, is now open again for business. 

The reworked Route 66 map will be available to players on October 10 when Season 7 releases.