Overwatch 2 Game Director announces Ranked changes coming in Season 3

Michael Gwilliam
Kiriko gets rank 1 in overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 Game Director Aaron Keller has revealed changes coming to the Ranked in Seasons 3 and 4.

Competitive play in Overwatch 2 has been extremely controversial since its release, with many players originally placed in ranks much lower than they were in the first game and getting put in unbalanced matches.

As Dexerto has reported, there have been numerous instances of Bronze players being placed in lobbies with Grand Masters and Top 500 pros, resulting in very lopsided games.

In a new developer update, Aaron Keller clarified that updates will be coming to ranked next season with even more changes on the way in Season 4.

Overwatch 2 team confirms Competitive upgrades on the way

According to Keller, the new Ranked mode in Overwatch 2 has “suffered from poor comprehension” and has created a lot of confusion.

The Game Director noted that there was difficulty showcasing a player’s real rank and how that translated to their actual skill level and forming groups with friends.

blizzard responds to overwatch 2 ranked update
Overwatch 2’s ranked system has been blasted since release.

However, he defended the matchmaker, insisting that players have a “negative impression” of it because of how often players of wildly different ranks were put in the same match despite their skill levels being similar.

“We will be implementing some changes in S3 and quite a few more in S4 all aimed at creating more clarity in the system,” he revealed, adding that more details would be coming soon.

Keller went on to add that the team will also be presenting its “long-term vision” for ranked soon, but with the caveat that it was a ‘Blizzard soon,’ indicating that it may take longer to actually unveil those plans.

Overwatch 2 Sojourn
Changes are finally coming to Overwatch 2’s ranked mode.

In any case, with Season 3 just a few weeks away, players should be able to see these changes for themselves shortly, even though the devs have additional features in the works the following season.

Whether or not these updates will make for more competitive games remains unknown, but it will be interesting to see how ranked unfolds in the months ahead.