Overwatch 2 player left in disbelief after bizarre ban from competitive

Andrew Highton
overwatch 2 junker queen with ban symbol

Competitive Mode is the backbone of Overwatch 2 gameplay for many, but one player was subjected to a shocking ban after not really doing too much wrong.

It feels like OW2 Competitive has actually been keeping out of the headlines as of late. Other news has been dominating, such as the 2023 Anniversary Event reusing old skins – also not forgetting the Elon Musk / Amber Heard / Mercy voice actress news.

The sometimes confusing nature of Overwatch 2 has made a reappearance though. Competitive is where players engage in Ranked matches. Attempting to win matches to climb the game’s ranks to try and reach higher levels.

Only, one player had their progress interrupted by an unfortunate scenario.

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Overwatch 2 Reddit user BluestoneT was recently banned from the game. They explained to the community: “The most fair comp ban ever seen. (Thank you Blizzard).”

To let other players judge for themselves, they attached a video, showing the apparent minimal reason the player was banned for. They simply melee’d a balcony, breaking it in the process, and they were immediately thrown from the game.

As with many Overwatch 2 Competitive Mode bans, the user was given a 15-minute suspension. The top comment said that they were “Banned for property damage” and another Reddit comment said: “Obviously a skill issue. You should have known not to do property damage.”

Outside of the humourous additions, the reason for the ban was more than likely the Blizzard servers letting the player down. “And that’s why I don’t play comp anymore,” said one user, and another player added: “If it’s not disconnecting, it’s the actual game crashing out. Either way, I’m tired of 8-hour lockouts for something that wasn’t my fault! Actually, stopped playing the game because of this crap.”

Server issues are sadly nothing new in OW2. There’s a good chance they will continue as we power through the Anniversary Event and even as we approach Season 7.