Overwatch 2 player pulls off forgotten Genji tech despite it being removed

Jeremy Gan
Genji in overwatch

An Overwatch 2 player just pulled off a forgotten Genji mechanic, edge boosting, despite it seemingly being removed from the game years ago in 2016. 

In the early days of Overwatch, there was a Genji mechanic that was essential for players to learn and master as it allowed them to get around the map far more efficiently. This mechanic was known as edge boosting

To edge boost, a player would need to dash towards an edge while holding W and spacebar. Once at the edge, Genji will briefly try to wall climb the edge before being catapulted forwards and upwards. However, this was never an intended mechanic.

As a result, it was eventually patched out around late 2016. However, it seems the unintended trick has made an unexpected appearance years after its disappearance. A player just somehow pulled it off in Overwatch 2.

In a clip posted by Hyalijaber on the Competitive Overwatch subreddit, they showed themselves executing the edge boost in a game of Mischief and Magic. We can clearly see them pull it off, with the player being launched further after grabbing the edge. Though exactly how they did it, remains a mystery for now.

This naturally made those who saw it question if the Genji edge boost is truly back. Unfortunately, it might not be. Hyaljiaber said that they spent several hours trying to replicate it in both Mischief and Magic and out of it, but were unable to. 

They also point out that they do get some odd movement glitches in Mischief and Magic. It’s most likely due to the devs intentionally tweaking with the movement physics slightly for this one-off mode. 

Even a moderator for the subreddit decided to not delete it despite being off-topic for the board as it may be a huge deal, that is if it can be reproduced in a real match. We’ll be sure to keep you posted here if any further revelations are made in the coming days.