Overwatch 2 player reveals insane improvement after 100 days of aim trainer practice

Filip Krawanski
cassidy smoking in ow2

An Overwatch 2 player put together a compilation of his 100 days of aim trainer practice to encourage others to improve at the game.

Competitive shooter games often require a large time investment to even scratch the surface of upper-rank play. With full-time jobs and other daily commitments, it is reasonably hard to commit to improving at such games.

Reddit user u/granto shared his road to improvement at Overwatch 2 via an aim trainer in hopes to inspire other players who would like to better their play but don’t know where to begin.

“As a personal challenge, I practiced with an aim trainer for 100 days and recorded my progress to look back on. Hopefully, this will motivate anyone trying to improve hitscan or who thinks they can’t aim. It just takes patience and practice,” reads the title of his post.

Overwatch 2 player reveals improvements after 100 days training

Granto shows clips from 14 different weeks of training his aim daily with an aim trainer, and the results of the training in games played the same week. His hero of choice for this was Cassidy as he claimed: “his hitscan is the most straightforward in the game and transfers [to other heroes] easiest.”

The improvement can be clearly seen in clips shown, where the player hits more consistent shots each week on some of the game’s most mobile heroes in various situations.

The comment section is mostly filled with comments congratulating Granto on his improvement such as this one: “Congrats bro hard work pays off.”

One player left a comment stating that he does not have time to practice the game so much because of his daily life.

“Okay but speaking as someone in their 30s working a full-time job: aint nobody got time for that,” states the user.

But Granto responded to him saying: “As someone in their 40s working a full-time job: I hear you. My personal logic is I can play 1-2 hours a day, I can put in 20 minutes a day to make those 1-2 hours more enjoyable.”

So it would seem that business, age, and ability do not matter as long as the will and motivation to improve are all there.