Overwatch 2 player shows off ingenious Brigitte sniper strat

Carver Fisher
overwatch brigitte looks out into the sunset of Gibraltar with a flag behind her

Typically, Brigitte struggles against sniper comps and tends to be picked as a hero that counters dive comps. However, an Overwatch 2 player showed how Brigitte’s shield can be used to help her win sniper duels for her team.

The potent one-shot potential of Widowmaker and Hanzo has thrust both heroes into prominence in Overwatch 2, especially in high-level play. However, it can often be frustrating to have games decided by who has the better sniper.

Having one of your supports or a DPS get immediately killed at the start of a fight can make it very difficult to match your opponent, leading many players to try and fight fire with fire by picking a sniper hero of their own.

Your team’s sniper having better aim is crucial to winning in this case, but a Brigitte player showed off a strategy that allows her to tip the scales in her team’s favor when it comes to long-range duels.

Brigitte paired with a sniper is a deadly Overwatch 2 combo

Brigitte has struggled to find a spot in the meta since Overwatch 2’s release. Having a tank cut out of the mix with the swap to 5v5 gave some players hope she’d have a bit more luck staying alive and cleaving through the enemy.

Though she has a dedicated base of players and an overall positive win rate, Brigitte has overall struggled to break into the support meta. Even after her ultimate got reworked.

However, an Overwatch 2 player showed off a strategy that gives Brigitte a bit more utility than it’d initially appear. When paired with a sniper, she can make a real difference in the match with very little effort on the player’s part.

Brigitte isn’t normally the best pick into long-range heroes considering how short her range is. However, with a little teamwork, she can really make a difference for teammates who are in sniper duels.

Considering that the big thing making one-shot heroes so powerful is their headshot potential, Brigitte’s shield is difficult to cut through for heroes like Widowmaker and Hanzo. This makes it easy to give the sniper on your side a massive edge over the enemy, forcing them to swap or dooming them to lose every duel.

This can also be used to counter an enemy sniper even if you’re working with a long-range hero that can’t pull off a one-shot like Soldier 76 or Ashe. Without that one-shot potential, it’s much easier for any hero to combat a sniper at long range. All of this without having to commit a shield tank to keeping your sniper alive, giving your team much more flexibility to pick different team compositions.