Overwatch 2 players adore new rubber duck themed skins with secret sound effects

Jeremy Gan
Zenyatta bathmaster in overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 players are loving the new rubber duck-themed skin line in Season 7 as devs went the extra mile in adding some surprising new sound effects.

Overwatch 2 is no stranger to releasing strange and unique skins. From dressing up Illari in a Llama Pyjamas skin to turning Doomfist into Saitama from One Punch Man, we’ve seen it all. 

It’s obvious the devs love dressing up some of the game’s most serious heroes in goofy-looking skins, and no better skin line demonstrates this than the new rubber duck cosmetics. 

Among Season 7’s plethora of new Halloween-themed skins, two stick out. Zenyatta and Orisa were both given rubber duck-themed attire, and with new secret sound effects to boot.

As demonstrated by Overwatch YouTuber Master Ian Gamer, Zenyatta’s new Bathmaster skin has all-new special sound effects that subtly change his attack and reload to sound more bubbly and moist than before. 

In fact, another detail added was that with this skin, instead of shooting orbs at enemies, Bathmaster Zenyatta is actually shooting rubber duckies at enemies and squeaks whenever shot. Zenyatta even has a towel draped on his waist with what seems to be his nickname, “Zenny”. 

But that’s not all. In Orisa’s new Rubber Ducky skin, when using the skin players may notice water sound effects as you move around, with a rubber duck squeaking intermittently as you walk around. 

Naturally, many players adored this new subtle addition. “Can the ult voice line just be, ‘Experience bathing?’” a player commented on Zenyatta’s new sound effects. “He’s a water bender now,” another fan said of Zenyatta’s new skin.

However, it’s not all positive from the community. Many are questioning why a Legendary and Epic skin has special sound effects, meanwhile, Mythic and exclusive event skins like Lilith Moira don’t have new additions other than its aesthetics. 

But, this isn’t the first time the devs have added a subtle sound effect change to a character. Back in Season 4, Ashe’s intergalactic Smuggler skin added a suspiciously “moist” sound effect to her dynamite.