Overwatch 2 players convinced Mercy has absurd “hidden passive”

Philip Trahan
mercy in overwatch 2

Some Overwatch 2 players are convinced that the iconic Support Hero Mercy has a wild “hidden passive” that goes unnoticed.

Overwatch 2’s roster of Heroes is incredibly varied, with each filling their niche thanks to a wide array of handy abilities.

Along with Role passives, most Heroes have passive abilities that set them apart in their roles, like Genji’s Cyber-Agility or Mercy’s Sympathetic Recovery and Angelic Descent. Of course, not every Overwatch 2 character has a passive at their disposal.

However, that hasn’t stopped some players from thinking that Mercy has a crazy third “hidden passive” at her disposal which makes her even more frustrating to play against.

Overwatch 2 fans claim Mercy has “hidden passive” ability

The theory came from the Overwatch subreddit, where one player made a post titled, “Is there anything hidden in Mercy’s passive that protects her while rezzing someone?”

The OP went on to explain their thoughts: “I swear no one shoots or even looks at a Mercy rezzing someone in the middle of the entire team,” they said. “Is there a hidden mechanic that cloaks Mercy during rez that is somehow only applicable to my teammate…”

Plenty of players flocked to the post to give their two cents on this “hidden passive” theory, with many debunking the claim in their own ways.

“In my experience what happens is I kill somebody, and while I’m out of bullets/reloading Mercy does her res,” one player said. They went on to explain, “No, I’m not sure what my team is doing given that 2 out of their 5 players (mercy + dead enemy) are now on me. Probably too busy shooting Roadhog or Rein’s shield endlessly.”

Another OW2 fan chalked the common occurrence up to a simple lack of game sense. “It’s called having a lack of game sense, and lots of players have it. Having a good game sense is something only acquired from lots of playing experience,” the player noted.

On top of these factors, Mercy’s Resurrect only takes 1.75 seconds to cast. The short cast time coupled with her small hitbox makes it very hard to stop a Mercy mid-Resurrect.

While Mercy certainly doesn’t have a hidden passive that players aren’t aware of, the theory certainly goes to show just how frustrating a competent Mercy player can be.