Overwatch 2’s Tracer uses her voice line at the perfect time for comedy

Brianna Reeves
overwatch 2 tracer voice line

While playing Overwatch 2, one player encountered a hilarious instance where Tracer delivered her “Who’s on fire” voice line at the perfect moment.

Overwatch heroes have long launched with signature voice lines meant to amplify the moment-to-moment action. Blizzard took the notion a step further in Overwatch 2, implementing more reactive voice lines to offer each character an added sense of depth.

Naturally, minor glitches get in the way of a hero delivering their best lines every so often. Players shared concerns about broken voice lines just a few weeks ago.

However, there are instances where the multiplayer action manages to perfectly complement a character’s one-liner.

Tracer voice line in Overwatch 2 match drops at just the right time

Redditor Classic_Swordfish_14 recently captured footage of the perfect line delivery from Tracer. The gameplay clip shows the DPS hero engaged in a rather intense Overwatch 2 match.

Things seem to be going well, resulting in Tracer shouting out the line, “Who’s on fire?” In a split second, another player launches a fireball that strikes the hero head-on.

But the best part is that as soon as the fire takes hold, Tracer answers her own question with a quick, “I am!” She couldn’t have been more right.

This fortuitous set of circumstances with Tracer’s fire-centric voice line probably isn’t how Overwatch 2 players want the stars to align.

Still, it’s too good of a moment not to share. And it seems plenty of Overwatch users on Reddit agree, given that the post has garnered well over 4,000 upvotes.

“How absolutely perfect this is,” one person wrote in the comments. Meanwhile, others are clamoring for an animated version of the comedic moment.