Overwatch player turns Genji’s ultimate into epic finishing move

Bill Cooney

One creative Overwatch fan has taken Genji’s Dragonblade to the next level by turning it into a cinematic finishing mode worthy of a Final Fantasy character.

Dragonblade is definitely one of the most memed abilities in Overwatch, but it can do some serious damage when used at the right time by a player who knows what they’re doing.

However, sensing an opportunity to add a bit more style to Genji’s signature move, Reddit user ColourfulSky took to the Workshop and turned his ultimate up to 11.

Normally, Dragonblade lasts for six seconds, during which time Genji deals 120 damage per swing of his katana. ColorfulSky didn’t seem to change the length of the ability, but they did change how the cyber ninja deals with his victims.

In their new version (which Colorful admitted was definitely not balanced) Genji locks on to a hero and raises them up into the sky before dealing a number of quick airborne strikes. You can even switch between heroes to deal damage to multiple enemies at once.

A 10-attack combo with Dragonblade like this would deal 1200 damage under normal circumstances, which is more than enough to wipe most, if not all, of an enemy team.

If this were made into an actual rework of Genji’s ult, the damage-per-swing would definitely need to be nerfed to keep this from being the most OP Overwatch move yet.

He’s also zipping around incredibly fast, so killing him while he’s performing the move would also be tough, unless you have a Brigitte naturally gifted with quick reflexes.

It does make Genji seem like much more of a ninja, though.

All things considered, we probably won’t see a rework like this happening to Genji any time soon – but it does sound like a lot of fun to have a Genji-only deathmatch with this as his ultimate.

We already know that Overwatch 2 will give players the ability to customize hero abilities and ultimates, so maybe Genji will get a similarly flashy ability when it finally releases.