Overwatch Streamer Emongg Raises Nearly $40K for Blizzard’s Charity Push

Joe O'Brien

Overwatch streamer ‘Emongg’ raised nearly $40,000 for charity as part of Blizzard’s efforts to raise money for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Emongg was the last in a series of streamers who hosted scheduled streams as part of the fundraising campaign.

The most significant aspect of Blizzard’s charity efforts is the Pink Mercy skin, which was released on May 8 and sold directly for $15, the full proceeds from which will be donated to BCRF. Blizzard reported that sales of the skin had raised nearly $10 million, although the final figure after the skin became unavailable on May 21 has not yet been announced.

The charity efforts included a variety of other fundraisers, however, including partnering up with a collection of streamers to put on charity streams throughout the period. The last of these was Emongg, a streamer who formerly played competitively for Selfless Gaming during the pre-OWL era.

Emongg has now revealed that his charity stream raised an enormous $38,026.52 to add to the overall donation. While it may not seem much compared to the millions raised by the Pink Mercy skin, it’s still a significant donation off the back of a single stream.

Overall, Emongg streamed for more than eleven hours for the fundraiser, during which he even got a visit from Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan, who dropped in to talk about the charity drive.

The full stream can be watched below, with Kaplan joining shortly after the 7:26:00 mark:

Watch BCRF Charity Stream starting at 11 AM EST from Emongg on www.twitch.tv

The full total raised by the Overwatch community for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation has yet to be announced.

About The Author

Joe O'Brien was a veteran esports and gaming journalist, with a passion and knowledge for almost every esport, ranging from Call of Duty, to League of Legends, to Overwatch. He joined Dexerto in 2015, as the company's first employee, and helped shape the coverage for years to come.