How to increase stamina in Palworld

Michelle Cornelia
A screenshot featuring Palworld characters running.

Are you fed up of losing Pals in your sight or not being able to run for long? Make sure you know how to increase stamina in Palworld.

Considering Palworld’s survival aspect, leveling up your stamina is crucial when it comes to progressing through the game. Your stamina isn’t just used to determine how long you can climb, mine, run, swim, and glide with your Pals, but it also factors into how often you can dodge during battle.

While this may not seem like a big deal in the early game, you’ll likely thank yourself for increasing your stamina once you’re up against more challenging dungeon bosses.

The game can feel a bit punishing at times, and unless you’re playing on the easiest difficulty, you’ll want to know how to increase stamina in Palworld.

How to boost stamina in Palworld

A screenshot featuring the stamina bar in Palworld.
Palworld allows you to allocate points to different base stats, including stamina.

In Palworld, players obtain a point every time they level up. This point can then be used to level up their base stats. To increase stamina, you’ll need to bring up your Inventory screen, select Enhance Stats, and click the plus button on the stamina section.

Once you’ve leveled up your stamina, you’ll notice that your character won’t get tired quickly when doing most activities. This feels even more apparent when you’re still in the process of unlocking all the places on your map.

How to maintain stamina in Palworld

Now that you know how to increase your stamina, it’s also essential to understand how to maintain it. After all, nobody wants to experience the horror of running out of stamina when climbing or swimming in the middle of a river.

One way to maintain your stamina in Palworld is by reducing the amount of weight you’re carrying. The point is to avoid getting over-encumbered from exceeding a certain amount of weight, as this can cause you to be unable to move.

For this, you can either increase your carrying capacity or build more base storage for your base. It’s recommended to do both if you can, as it will help you in the long run.

Alternative way to increase stamina

A screenshot of the normal difficulty setting in Palworld.
The normal difficulty setting in Palworld.

There’s one easy method to get more stamina in Palworld if you’re not so keen on leveling up and gathering things to craft your base storage. Much like other in-game attributes, your stamina consumption rate can be decreased simply by tweaking with the custom settings.

Simply select Change World Settings at the select world page, select Custom Settings, and reduce the Player Stamina Reduction Rate before you hit OK.

That’s everything you need to know about how to get more stamina in Palworld. Of course, other than stamina, there are other stats that you can increase, such as HP, defense, work speed, and weight. It’s entirely up to you where you’ll want to allocate your points, but we suggest checking out our best stats to upgrade guide.