Palworld fans fear its meteoric success will create dozens of Pokemon rip-offs

Shane Black
Palworld characters looking off-camera and firing weapons

While the massive success of Palworld has the fans happy, many of them are also scared of what it means for the future of the industry. And for possible rip-offs of Pokemon.

Palworld has been a huge success, and its presence online has skyrocketed since it released a few weeks ago.

Naturally, all eyes have turned on it to see just how well it succeeds and what it does to try and continue that momentum.

However, many players are scared of this and the possibility it brings to future rip-offs of Pokemon that oversaturate the market.

Palworld fans afraid of success leading to Pokemon ripoffs

A screenshot featuring different Pals in Palworld.

The success of Palworld was being discussed over on the game’s subreddit, where this topic was broached.

The creator of the post mentioned how they view the success’ impact: “I suspect as we speak, there are tons of big companies seeing the huge growth of this ‘Pokefans people have always wanted’ as massive proof of concept, and are now working on the groundwork.”

And while there are a good amount of community members who welcome more games like Palworld, there are some who are skeptical of it breeding more copies.

“Monster designs are super important to get right, and you just know that many of them, uh, will not,” said a skeptical Redditor.

A common sentiment among these players who are concerned is that other companies are going to try to capitalize on certain mechanics to make more money.

For instance, one user believes that some devs would charge players for DLC containing new monsters to catch or “… loot crates that have the possibility of giving you a shiny skin to use on your monsters.”

Further, some are worried that companies will need to try and keep their monster designs more generic as to not incur the legal wrath of Nintendo and Pokemon.

This would then lead to “… a lot of watered down, generic looking monsters,” claimed one user.

While it is to be determined if these fears are actually going to happen, it is clear that the gaming community is going to continue watching Palworld intently.