Pokemon Concierge fan art imagines Game Boy version of popular show

Nathan Ellingsworth
A Game Boy is visible, with key art for Pokemon Concierge pictured on the screen

Ever since Pokemon Concierge launched on Netflix, fans have been clamoring for a cozy game based on the title, and this incredible fan art is the nearest thing so far.

The Pokemon franchise is no stranger to adaptations, but the recently launched Pokemon Concierge takes things in a new direction, thanks to its gorgeous stop-motion animated style and physical models.

Naturally, Pokemon fans are already begging for more of the series, as well as games based on the tropical island setting and idyllic hotel life. While it’s not clear if we’ll ever get to step into the shoes of Haru and help Psyuck look after Pokemon, this new fan art is helping people imagine.

Pokemon fan imagines a Pokemon Concierge Game Boy game

Artist @BJGpixel has shared a post to X (Twitter), with a painstakingly detailed and gorgeous piece of art, that imagines Haru, Psyduck, and the rest of the Pokemon Concierge cast as the stars of a Game Boy game. Green tinge and all.

The original post has the comment, “Welcome to Pokémon Resort!” Plus, fans are already going wild for the post in the comments.

A comment underneath says, “This is definitely one of your best Poke pixels so far” while another adds, “I really adore how you made all the 2-bit iso Pokemon in this piece and my favorite is the Hoppip.”

Plenty of people are already begging for this to be a real game, with a comment saying, “Can we port that to Game Boy?” Then, original artist BJGpixel replied, “That’d be wicked; gonna have to work on getting my tile count down.”

It’s a gorgeous piece of pixel art, and fans are clearly loving it. Currently, there’s no information on a Pokemon Concierge Season 2, or any games, but with fans so enamored with this new look at the Pokemon world, hopefully, we return to the Pokemon Hotel sooner rather than later.