Pokemon fans adore school bus driver who gifts free Pokemon cards

Jessica Filby
Pokemon cards

One kind school bus driver has been gifting Pokemon cards to their students, winning the hearts of parents, kids, and the entire Pokemon community.

Pokemon cards can be a little tricky to navigate. They’re great collectibles but are often subjected to a lot of scalpers and can create a sort of competition to grab the rarest and highest-value pieces for your collection. Naturally, for some, that nostalgic time collecting your favorite Pokemon is far in the past, with many only reminiscing on the time they truly got into the franchise.

However, that love for Pokemon cards and simplistic view of their design hasn’t faded for many, which includes a kind-hearted school bus driver, who’s been igniting Pokemon passions in students by gifting them free Pokemon cards.

Pokemon card-gifting school bus driver wins hearts

Sharing their kindness onto Reddit, one Pokemon fan posted an image of countless Pokemon cards, with the caption: “I’m a school bus driver and I’m giving each student a card as they exit the bus.”

Pokemon fans were quick to spot that the bus driver had taken out any rare or shiny cards, to eliminate any possibility of one child getting something better than another.

Inside the comments, the poster shared an update, explaining how “all of the kids loved it” and telling the community that they “didn’t let them pick, but just drew the top card of the pile and handed it to them, with the back of the card facing them. They were excited to show each other and some showed their parents. A few parents’ faces lit up. Some of the older kids, who I thought would be “too cool,” were the most excited to get it.”

It just goes to show how, no matter how old you are, how ‘cool’ you are, or how long it’s been since you last got a Pokemon card, pulling a new creature to keep is always a joyous experience.

After sharing their story, the Pokemon community was thrilled to see the user spreading the joy of the franchise to a new generation. Many exclaimed that “you are a terrific human, thank you” and that they were the “Best school bus driver ever.”

For others, the story hit home a little more than they expected, with one user sharing how “one of my bus drivers did this in elementary school. Absolutely one of the most memorable parts of my childhood and I got a Voltorb and didn’t have any of my own. You are building some serious memories”

It seems, that something as simple as gifting free Pokemon cards to students on their way to and from school will have a profound impact on many’s future loves and memories, proving Pokemon is so much more than just a game.