Pokemon fans decide which anime character has the most “rizz”

Kurt Perry
Ash, Gary, and Pikachu looking for Moltres for Project Mew trial.

Pokemon anime fans have decided which character from the show has the most “rizz,” being able to rely on their charisma to make those around them interested.

“Rizz,” is a slang term that derives from charisma, describing someone’s ability to make others around them fall in love or show an interest.

With it primarily serving as a kid-friendly TV show the Pokemon anime doesn’t touch on romance and love all that often. Even so, there are some couples like Professor Burnet & Kukui that prove that “rizz,” must exist in the Pokemon universe.

This got the community debating who has the most “rizz,” in the Pokemon anime with one answer proving overwhelmingly popular.

Gary crowned “Rizz God” by Pokemon anime fans

Although a good selection of answers were given, Gary was the overwhelming favorite with numerous fans believing he has the most rizz of any Pokemon anime character.

One such fan said: “Gary. He legit had cheerleaders following him everywhere for the first part of the [original series] while driving around in a convertible. Dawn was also a huge fan of him since he was the son of Professor Oak. Rizzy Oak.”

This sentiment proved popular with other fans saying “Easily Gary, just look at his cheerleaders,” and even labeling Gary the “Rizz God,” in tribute to his pulling power.

Another character to be nominated was Tracy with one user believing: “He’s got that natural, not even trying rizz. All of Misty’s sisters would hit on him.”

A different fan hyped up the main characters responding: “Ash has all of his female companions, Goh, and a few misc. ladies like Angie and Macy. Misty’s had a few different guys hit on her and even got Ash’s attention a couple of times.”

Not everyone agreed that it’s a human that has the most rizz with Ash’s partner also being a common answer: “Honorable mention is Pikachu. Bro had Buneary who had a crush on him, Togedemaru, and that Magnemite back in [original series] during the episode Ash caught Muk.”

Pokemon Horizons is in full swing but some fans are holding off for the official English dub. Consider checking out our guide on when episode 1 of the English dub is expected to release.