Pokemon Go “impossible” Route forces players to cross a national border

Kurt Perry
Pokemon Go Routes trailer shot with no trespassing sign.

A Pokemon Go fan has discovered an “impossible” Route that requires players to have a passport, cross a national border, and ignore several warning signs, and the community can’t believe that it exists.

Pokemon Go introduced Routes as part of the Blaze New Trails event on July 21. The new feature allows players to follow a designated path and receive extra rewards for doing so. These rewards include faster Buddy Candy and bonus XP.

The way that Routes are added to Pokemon Go is by user request. Players have to complete their own Route and send them to Niantic for review. This is to prevent any problematic paths from appearing like those that promote trespassing or are inaccessible.

However, the approval process has come under scrutiny with some questionable Routes making an appearance, but this latest Route might be the most unbelievable of all.

Pokemon Go Route passes through government facility on the Canada-US border

A Pokemon Go player posted an unimaginable Route on Reddit named “Welcome to US,” and it requires players to pass through US customs on the Canada-US national border to complete.

The post titled ‘Found an Impossible Route’ reads: “We only have one Route in the town I live near and it is literally unusable – there is nowhere to walk in the Route, it’s on a road that goes through a government facility…”

OP continues; “It then passes through part of the facility that has ‘No trespassing’ signs on it. I have no idea how anyone was able to walk this Route to create it, or how it ever was approved.”

Frustrated by the inconsistency in how Routes are approved one fan responded: “They rejected my walk down my small town’s main street but allow a walk that requires a freakin passport to do.”

Another trainer felt sympathetic given how rare Routes can be: “‘Tis better to have found an impossible Route than to have found no Routes at all? Seriously though, that’s like rubbing salt in a wound. Sorry, friend.”

Others related to the post, describing a flawed Route near to them: “A Route appeared a few days ago that’s only two minutes away from me GPS coverage in the area is great. Route requires us to all hop fences Hot Fuzz/army training course style in order to complete it though. I wouldn’t put it past some people in the area to try that either. Who’s reviewing these lol?”

As pointed out by several responses, it’s possible to report and get a Route removed if there’s a problem. Legitimate reasons to report a Route include anything that is in violation of the Niantic Terms of Service or Player Guidelines.