Pokemon Go player hits Level 40 without choosing team

Brianna Reeves
pokemon go team

A dedicated Pokemon Go player managed to miraculously reach Level 40 without ever selecting a team to join.

Upon reaching Level 5, POGO players are tasked with selecting which team they’d like to join. This particular path splits three ways – Team Instinct, Team Mystic, and Team Valor.

Each of the three boasts its own unique qualities. And if a trainer joins a team that’s dominant in their area, a few bonuses could be thrown their way for controlling nearby Gyms.

Not everyone has team spirit, though, meaning some users opt to not join one of the available squads. In a game that prides itself on placing community first, it should come as no surprise that being a team player makes progression easier.

Pokemon Go trainer reaches Level 40 without a team

Pokemon Go user RobSerial recently shared a Reddit post celebrating their Level 40 account. This may not seem worthy of applause, but the user accomplished the Level 40 feat as a free agent who never signed up for Team Instinct, Mystic, or Valor.

In response to the post, one person asked, “How’s the journey been playing on a harder difficulty?” The original poster said that despite the long, tedious trek, reaching the end has been nothing shy of “satisfying.”

Of course, other Pokemon Go players had very specific questions about the trainer’s no-team and free-to-play methodology. One person, in particular, wanted to know how managing Pokemon/Item storage worked without buying coins or earning them in Gyms.

RobSerial explained, “I don’t have any method of getting coins, so item/Mon storage is probably the hardest hurdle I’ve had to deal with. Lots of space management, and hard sacrifices.”

Playing Pokemon Go this way may not be ideal for everyone, but at least it seemed to work for this person.