Pokemon Go player “trapped” in Route as it refuses to finish

Dylan Horetski
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A Pokemon Go player was “trapped” inside a local Route as the game refused to let them complete it — leaving them trapped inside of it.

Released back in July 2023, Pokemon Go’s Route system allows players to follow a dedicated route around their community to encounter special spawns and gather Zygarde Cells to upgrade your ‘mon.

At launch, though, many were disappointed to find that the creation of Routes was limited to certain players and was so buggy that it was impossible to do them regardless.

A trainer on Reddit is experiencing one of these bugs, as they’ve been “trapped” inside of a Route that won’t let them finish.

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Pokemon Go trainer refuses to leave completed Route

Shared on The Silph Road Subreddit on October 8, the trainer revealed that they are “trapped inside an endless route”

They said: “Yesterday I started, correctly followed and – was supposed to – end a route, but it never gave me the ending option.

I’ve tried restarting the app near the end and it didn’t work, so I left it and continued my way home expecting that it would be fixed somehow. Now I’ve walked already 6x the route length and it’s still bothering me.”

They went on to explain that they have restarted the app several times, and more than eight hours later they still were getting messages about resuming the route.

“Anyway I’m not quiting it until I have to, so I can see how long does this bug will last,” they added.

Other trainers took to the replies to share their thoughts on the situation as well.

“Same thing happened to me a little while ago. I had to solve it by quitting, but kudos to you for trying to wait it out,” they said.

Another commented: “I have had the finish button appear and when I pressed it there was no option to complete it. I ended up having to quit the route. This has happened a few times.”

“Happened to me, no fix to this bug atm. You have to abandon it,” a third replied.

Niantic has been working on updates for Routes, but it’s clear there’s still a bit that they need to work on judging by comments made by the community.