Pokemon Go players heartwarmed by “wholesome” Shiny experience at Go Fest

Jessica Filby
Pokemon Go fest NYC

Pokemon Go Fest 2023 has been a huge success, with the new London event garnering extremely high praise and bringing the game back to its glory days. One example of this has left the community heart warmed by the experience, showing just how great the Pokemon Go players can be.

The Pokemon Go community is one of the most active in the gaming world. Whether it’s complaining to Niantic for a less-than-optimum feature rollout, praising a certain event, or simply discussing their favorite catches, the community always has their fingers on the pulse of Pokemon Go.

However, it’s rare that the time is taken to celebrate the players rather than the game, which is exactly what one user did by sharing their “wholesome” experience during Pokemon Go Fest: New York City.

Pokemon Go user shares heartwarming story at Pokemon Go Fest

Posting onto Reddit, one user shared their experience watching a man let a young child “pick out whichever shiny you’d like” and proceed to trade the chosen create with the player, no questions asked.

They labeled the guy “the best” and posted the story on Reddit in an attempt to find the Shiny trader so they could become friends with him.

Instantly, the post garnered plenty of support, with over 60 people expressing their love for the tale and hoping to find the kindhearted Pokemon Go trainer.

One of the primary elements that shocked so many users was the cost of the trade. In the story, the poster explained that “The trade cost A TON of stardust but the man was willing to do it.” Some even joked that they were “Surprised the kid had 1,000,000 Stardust,” in which the OP explained that it was cheaper for Go Fest ticket holders.

Others were just thrilled to see this kind of generosity within the Pokemon Go community, exclaiming “That’s wonderful! It’s always nice to help kids in this game. They genuinely get so happy.”

As of the time of writing, the generous mystery man is yet to be found, but it’s clear that if he is, he’ll be extremely popular among the community.