Pokemon Go players stunned by wild Shiny Swampert encounter

Brianna Reeves
Pokemon Go shiny swampert

Pokemon Go trainers are surprised by one player randomly stumbling upon a Shiny Swampert in the wild.

The odds of finding a shiny Pokemon in the wild while playing Pokemon Go aren’t exactly high. Essentially, of all the Pokemon a player will encounter, there’s only a 1 in 500 chance of the creature being of the Shiny variety.

But the rarity of spawns may increase based on other factors. For example, some rare Shiny monsters may spawn at a rate of 1 in 125 chances.

Regardless, the thrill of happening upon such rare encounters in the wild never ceases to excite players. And one Pokemon Go trainer seems especially delighted by their latest find.

Pokemon Go trainers say “Wtf” to shocking Shiny Swampert find

Along with a screenshot of the find, Reddit user PrettyCuteBug shared their surprise at randomly encountering a Shiny Swampert in POGO.

The player noted in the comments that they “didn’t even know evolved shinies could be caught in the wild before today,” a realization that no doubt makes this instance all the more exciting.

Asked why the CP is so high, the Redditor said they just hit level 34 and can’t believe their good fortune since their Shinies usually have “super low CP.”

The Redditors and fellow Pokemon Go players seem similarly shocked by the Shiny Swampert catch. Several people mentioned that Swampert’s Mega Evolution means the probability of a Shiny encounter is 1 in 64.

Evidently, luck was on this player’s side. One person wrote, “I heard that shinies are only [stage] one pokemon or evolved mons that can mega-evolve. You are indeed very lucky!”

And in congratulating the Redditor, other trainers said they recently caught a Shiny Swampert, as well. “Got the same thing 3 weeks ago! I was on the bus and I freaked out so much, I scared my friend.”

It would seem Shiny Swampert has brought joy to a good number of Pokemon Go players of late.